dressing room diaries : anthro

Sorry for the little blog break over the last week, guys. I've been under the weather, BECAUSE CHILDREN.  Mine apparently don't like to wash their hands, but they DO enjoy coughing in my face. Would you like to know how I self-diagnosed my illness? (Besides the usual way of googling my symptoms, like the doctor that WebMD says I am?) 

I went to Anthropologie. I mean, they probably don't teach this technique in, ya know, actual medical school. But listlessly drifting through Anthropologie and being all, MEH, is a SURE SIGN OF A SERIOUS ILLNESS. 

I did manage to rally and try on a few things, because I'M A TROOPER THAT WAY. And if my hair looks crazy, and I'm not wearing shoes, remember I was in the middle of being deathly ill. 

(i.e. I had a cold)

(Either way, I can't be held responsible for my appearance OR my purchases, because when you're sick, things are free.)

I'll be honest, I loved this whole look so much more on the hanger than on my actual body. Mainly because my hips apparently hate being constricted by pencil skirts, and were trying to bust up outta that thang. However, if YOUR hips enjoy a good pencil skirt, then a) I'm really jealous. And b) you will love this one. That fringe detail is so good, y'all. And give me a cute, cheeky sweatshirt any day of the week. I didn't actually buy this one though, because SOMEONE was all SHERRI STOP IT WITH ALL THE SWEATSHIRTS, you are a sweatshirt hoarder. 

(That someone was right, and by "right," I mean he's never allowed to go shopping with me again.) 

I know, I know. You're all, Sherri, again with the tweed? REALLY? And I would like to take this moment to channel our inner Grandma's and say YES TO ALL THINGS TWEED.  I paired it with this adorable striped tee, and some jeans that I will almost certainly wear into the ground. AG just makes a good jean y'all. The just right stretch, perfect length, and wash. Worth. The. Price. 

(All of these pieces came home with me. Unless  you're John, in which case, I've had them FOREVER.)

peplum button down (final sale, can't find it to save. my. life.) | black sleeveless top | camo joggers

peplum button down (final sale, can't find it to save. my. life.) | black sleeveless top | camo joggers

Y'all, two words: CAMO. JOGGERS.  I am HERE FOR THEM. We've already discussed how wearing camo just makes you next level boss. But you also need to know that these joggers fit like a dream, and are NOT made of sweatpants material.  Which means you could pair them with heels and have a night out look that SLAYS. 

(John says that's not true and that I'm not allowed to wear them in public.) 

(John is wrong and is not allowed to talk anymore.)

I don't know why, but when I see embellished denim, 12 year old Sherri takes control of my body and FORCES ME TO BUY IT. (12 year-old Sherri is kind of obnoxious, and needs to get her own credit cards.)

Also, this plaid swing dress is sleeveless, super comfy, and also versatile. And by versatile, I mean that you will wear it more often than is socially appropriate. (You might not. But I will.)

I'm just gonna be over here, pretending to live in the 70's. But, you know, with iPhones, Instacart, and Netflix. Seriously, y'all, these wide leg jeans are high-waisted, and super flattering. I am legitimately obsessed.  Don't worry, I found them a good home. In my closet. 

Until next time,
